With over 5 stages - From Professional Street Artists to Kora players, Concert Pianists, Sea Shanties, Folk, Fashion shows, World Vibes, Storytelling in the Library to Poetry Slams or Inspirational Speakers. Be part of Whitchurch’s Biggest Street Party this Autumn and prove that Art really does
matter…Contact us and we’ll take it from there. Keep a look out for Who’s coming
We want to hear from you Email Blackberryfair@gmail.com
or Tel 0777 304 7744
Musicians.Bands.Buskers.Poets.Dancers.dj’s. .Artists.Wizards.Conjurers. Storytellers. campaigners. Green Market Traders. Crafters
“ From the Rustic World of Straw Bale Sofas, Craft Ales, Steaming Coffee and generally loving the Planet, Whitchurch’s Wild Party returns this Autumn. With Afro beat DJ’s, to the Jangle of Morris Bell, or another Full on “Pookas Polka” your mad ‘FREE’ Autumn Family Festival is building up for a Party. We’re seeking out Musicians from Folk to World and beyond, Poets, Performers, inspiring Yoga Teachers to Dancers and Djembe Drummers –We celebrate Whitchurch’s Home grown talent performing shoulder to shoulder with Professional Artists. Let’s make a Positive Difference”.
We can’t achieve it without You!.....
Like so many events we don’t have a fortune to offer Artists. What we can’t give in pennies we’ll always give in care and value with 5 covered Stages plus professional back up Stage managed Sound systems, Being Green what Coldplay did at Glasto 21’ we already do. For 2024 we welcome back the Pedal Powered Stage.
If you’re interested in being with us or already on board, please fill in your details here or download the form and forward them back to us on blackberryfair@gmail.com
downloadable Artist form
Please email all completed forms to blackberryfair@gmail.com