Feeling hapless, helpless and hopeless? Plastic waste everywhere and you don’t know what to do about it. OUR HOUSE is opening the door on this modern challenge with fun and positive action. Share ideas and together we can make a huge difference!
Welcome to the Whitchurch Ring Road Gardening Club
“I’m Dotty Mon and I’m part of a small group of amateur horticultural enthusiasts who as I’m sure like you can’t help but noticed the colourful flora and fauna dotted along the fringes of the Wild and Green Whitchurch Ring Road.
As an area of life we so often whizz by once in there you’d be amazed at the activity hidden away in the in the hedgerows and sleepy little layby’s. So we decided we’d like to take a closer look and share some of the wonders growing on our doorstep .
Even now as the firey brown colours of Autumn are changing our landscape there’s still signs of growth punctuating the verges of our glorious Border Countryside and as much as we’re sure it’s a horticultural secret salopians would like to keep to themselves that colourful display is so often the first sight anyone visiting the area comes across. Welcome to Shropshire.
Though we’d expect things to settle down in October we still found Coffeecupous Lidicus punching through. Those solitary frayed Grey and Black heads still flowering away but with little scent at this time of year. Also the popular Crispacious packetus fungi you find buried in the undergrowth all complimented by those tough little fagus endicom who love to creep all along the edges letting you know it takes more than exhaust fumes to kill them off.
In fact when you get in there you’ll find the Ring Road is absolutely awash with both British and European varities collectively known in their latin term as Plasticius Wasteous, commonly called Everyones Rubbish.
We thought we’d got this little find to ourselves but where there’s muck there’s brass and already that famous brand of Garden Centre ‘Fly Tippery World’ appears to be sprouting up on two Laybys, so if you’re looking for a Sunday afternoon jaunt get along there and start your Christmas Shopping early.
From great recycled Tyre Planters to bottles of liquid manure and a wonderful line in surprise gift bags for life stuffed with goodies. Proof they do what they say on the bag because they’ve been there a very long time.
…..Happy Gardening!